Seoyeon Kelly Wang – Designer

Brand Identity
Brand Identity
Art Direction
Graphic Design
App Design
Web Design
Graphic Design
Brand Identity
Graphic Design
Art Direction


© 2022


Personal project, 2020

Hudson is a company that encourages New Yorkers to explore the Hudson Valley in the upstate New York.

With a rising eagerness to travel upstate in the younger generation of New Yorkers, I initiated this project to learn about the geography and essential tools that I will need whether I’m hiking or camping upstate. With the starter kit consisting of various tools and the guide book, New Yorkers can easily prepare themselves to escape the busy, hectic city life. Inspired by vintage photographs, labels and stickers, Hudson strives to evoke the vibe of the 50s with an emphasis on functionality in the wild. Recipient of TDC67 Certificate of Typographic Excellence.

Hudson Guidebook designed to be the key brand experience to inform people about outdoor safety tips, kit user guide, maps and points of interest.